The industry’s only end-to-end journey evaluation

Drive strategic property decisions with real-time performance data

Leverage the best evaluation tool in the industry to gain an unbiased understanding of your prospect experience; from reach to sales conversion.

The industry’s only

end-to-end journey evaluation

Drive strategic property decisions with real-time performance data

Leverage the best evaluation tool in the industry to gain an unbiased understanding of your prospect experience; from reach to sales conversion.

The industry’s only end-to-end journey evaluation

Drive strategic property decisions with real-time performance data

Leverage the best evaluation tool in the industry to gain an unbiased understanding of your prospect experience; from reach to sales conversion.

The industry’s only

end-to-end journey evaluation

Drive strategic property decisions with real-time performance data

Leverage the best evaluation tool in the industry to gain an unbiased understanding of your prospect experience; from reach to sales conversion.

The industry’s only end-to-end journey evaluation

Drive strategic property decisions with real-time performance data

Leverage the best evaluation tool in the industry to gain an unbiased understanding of your prospect experience; from reach to sales conversion.

The industry’s only end-to-end journey evaluation

Drive strategic property decisions with real-time performance data

Leverage the best evaluation tool in the industry to gain an unbiased understanding of your prospect experience; from reach to sales conversion.

The industry’s only end-to-end journey evaluation

Drive strategic property decisions with real-time performance data

Leverage the best evaluation tool in the industry to gain an unbiased understanding of your prospect experience; from reach to sales conversion.

The industry’s only end-to-end journey evaluation

Drive strategic property decisions with real-time performance data

Leverage the best evaluation tool in the industry to gain an unbiased understanding of your prospect experience; from reach to sales conversion.

Our experience

1500 property evaluations for the largest investments groups, optimizing over 80 advertisement and tech stack offerings.

Industry experts leveraging credible data & technology

Reports leverage market data and technology to model the behavior of location-specific, real in-market prospects across digital and communication channels.

Visuals that highlight the moments of truth

Journey reports are visual representations of the experience and the most critical stages of engagement and conversion from the eyes of your prospect.

Measured using best practices from ecommerce and ILSs

We use the best conversion practices we learned at the world’s leading product, advertising, technology and real estate companies.

Get actionable insights that influence the bottom line

We provide specific insights that enable your team to focus on the highest opportunities with stagnant and recurring property pain-points.

“Journey Reports enable us to answer the deceptively simple question of how we are performing and why - all delivered in an action-inspiring visual format”

“Journey Reports enable us to answer the deceptively simple question of how we are performing and why - all delivered in an action-inspiring visual format”

“Journey Reports enable us to answer the deceptively simple question of how we are performing and why - all delivered in an action-inspiring visual format”

“Journey Reports enable us to answer the deceptively simple question of how we are performing and why - all delivered in an action-inspiring visual format”

Head of Real Estate,

Citizen Development

Citizen Development

Citizen Development

Prospect Journey Report

Prospect Journey Report

Prospect Journey Report

Quickly identify opportunities with people, strategy, and technology that are impacting conversion performance. 

Prospect Persona Profile: representative of the property-specific addressable market

Prospect Journey Map: with emotional signals at each journey stage

Multi-platform journeying: scoring performance across search engines, listing platform, property websites and social media

Multi-channel performance scores: for email, text, phone, chatbot, and tours

Renter Experience Score details

Opportunity signals and investment recommendations

Renter Journey Report 

Renter Journey Report 

Renter Journey Report 

Get insights beyond satisfaction surveys and reputations scores to improve property offerings and achieve higher rents.

Renter Archetypes: modeled from real property data

Renter Journey Map: with emotional signals at each journey stage

Quantitative and qualitative property-specific research: on renter interests, engagement, sentiment, feedback, and desires

Multi-platform journey: scoring performance across maintenance requests, rent payment, renewal process, and resident events

Multi-channel performance scores: for in-person, email, phone, text, and automation tooling

Renter Experience Score details

Opportunity signals and investment recommendations

Just once a year. At a familiar price.

Just once a year. At a familiar price.

Just once a year. At a familiar price.

Just once a year. At a familiar price.

Contact us to learn about specific portfolio and property pricing.

Book demo

How long does it take to get a report back?

Prospect Journey Reports are completed based on client preference. We think 3 days is enough time but if you want to give your sales team 5 days for response and follow up that works for us too.

Does this replace mystery shops?

We are so glad you asked.

Let’s talk about it. You can request more information and book a demo call.

How often do I need a Journey Report?

As often as you want but just once a year is all we would recommend.

Your Journey Report includes a free re-score at any point in the 12 months following your last Journey Report purchase.

What kind of findings can I expect?

Prospect Journey Reports offer performance scores and screenshots cataloging how effective your marketing, sales, and technology efforts were at converting your addressable market.

As one industry titan described it, “it’s like a shop on steroids”.

Prospect Journey Reports offer performance scores and screenshots cataloging how effective your marketing, sales, and technology efforts were at converting your addressable market.

As one industry titan described it, “it’s like a shop on steroids”.

Prospect Journey Reports offer performance scores and screenshots cataloging how effective your marketing, sales, and technology efforts were at converting your addressable market.

As one industry titan described it, “it’s like a shop on steroids”.

Prospect Journey Reports offer performance scores and screenshots cataloging how effective your marketing, sales, and technology efforts were at converting your addressable market.

As one industry titan described it, “it’s like a shop on steroids”.

Prospect Journey Reports offer performance scores and screenshots cataloging how effective your marketing, sales, and technology efforts were at converting your addressable market.

As one industry titan described it, “it’s like a shop on steroids”.

Prospect Journey Reports offer performance scores and screenshots cataloging how effective your marketing, sales, and technology efforts were at converting your addressable market.

As one industry titan described it, “it’s like a shop on steroids”.

How would I justify the expense?

For a lot of clients Journey Reports serve as a replacement for property evaluation expenses already being made. Journey Reports also score outcomes in more department functions than traditional reports; touching on marketing, on-site sales, and technology performance.

Do you work with specialized asset classes?

Yes. Market Rate, Senior, Student, Active Adult, and New Development, Renovation, Underperforming, Luxury properties. All type get a Journey Report that is completed with careful consideration to the unique circumstances and conditions of that property.

What is required from me?

Just the basics about your property. Things like address, name, if you have a property website etc.

It takes less than 5 minutes to complete an order form.

Who can order a Journey Report?

Anyone. To date, Journey Reports have been leveraged by heads of marketing, asset managers, operations executives, and even by competitive managers bidding for management business.

© JourneyReports is a MarkerHeads product.